Help Improve the Quality of Education in Macedonia

You are among the first to learn about an exciting new initiative that will improve the quality of education for primary school children in Macedonia.

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) and the Academy for Educational Development (AED), both tax-exempt non-profit organizations based in Washington, D.C., have joined forces to raise money for primary schools in Macedonia.  UMD and AED are partners in the Primary Education Project (PEP) aimed at strengthening the quality of teaching and learning in all public primary schools in Macedonia.  PEP is a continuation of a cluster of USAID-funded projects to strengthen education in Macedonia and support decentralization efforts, as Macedonia seeks admission to the European Union.


Our other partner in this project is Tose Proeski, one of the most popular pop vocalists in the Balkans.  Tose has agreed to hold a benefit concert this fall in support of the project and to highlight the importance of education for Macedonia’s future, as well as the role that each citizen can play in improving the quality of education in the country.  This will be the most important and largest social benefit and entertainment event in Macedonia and the region in 2007!  All proceeds from ticket and DVD sales from the concert will be used to support educational programs through PEP.

The concert will be held in Skopje at the main stadium on October 5, 2007.  A web cast of the concert will be available to schools across the country using Macedonia’s wireless network and to the Macedonian Diaspora communities in the US, Canada, Australia, and Western Europe.  Macedonian TV stations have agreed to broadcast the concert and send news crews to schools across the country to show how children, teachers, and parents are joining in this event via the web cast.  Attendees at the concert will be able to see their fellow citizens celebrating the festive event and join them in recognizing the power of quality education.  A DVD of the concert will be made available for sale, and proceeds will go towards PEP.

DONATE TODAY!  Your contribution will help UMD’s and AED’s efforts to raise the quality of education and increase employment skills in youth in Macedonia. As if this noble cause was not enough of an incentive, Tose and his team have kindly agreed to provide small tokens of gratitude for the generous donors.

Contributions between $50.00 and $250.00 will receive a photo of Tose with his autograph, a T-Shirt, and a Tose CD.

…………….between $250.00 and $1,000.00 will receive 3 photos of Tose with autograph, 3 T-shirts, 3 different Tose CDs, and 3 tickets for the concert. You can choose to donate the tickets to friends and relatives in Macedonia if you are unable to attend.

…………….between $1,000.00 and $5,000.00 will receive 5 photos of Tose with autograph, 5 T-shirts, 5 CDs and 3 DVDs, 5 tickets to the concert, 2 VIP seats, attendance to the reception with Tose in Skopje, mention in printed materials and website.

To make a donation, please click HERE for our online secure donation system, or send a check payable to ‘United Macedonian Diaspora’ with ‘PEP’ in the note section to:

United Macedonian Diaspora
P.O. Box 19028
Washington, D.C. 20036

If you would like wire transfer information, or to ask a question about these efforts, please e-mail or call Dijana Pajkovski at (202) 213-4441. Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law under section 501 (c)(3) of the IRS code. 

As much as we appreciate your support and commitment to better education, we are sure the children of Macedonia will appreciate it even more.  It is in their name that we thank you in advance for responding to this appeal.

With sincere gratitude,

Metodija A. Koloski
United Macedonian Diaspora



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United Macedonian Diaspora
800 Maine Avenue SW Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20024

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

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